Story I
The vase from Waldemar Lindström for Rörstrand (1910 Ca.), presents a visible hole drilled at its base, made by a previous owner to accomodate a lamp chord (rather often vases have been adapted to become lamp bases, and this is no exception -
a small action that greatly compromises the market value of the object).
The decorative motif of lilies is extracted and further elaborated on a software to turn it into a three dimensional flower.

Story II
The Trollslända coffee set by Alf Wallander for Rörstrand (1910 Ca.), presented several broken or missing elements from different owners in Sweden.

Story III
The glass vase (1910 Ca.) from Emile Gallé has suffered a serious damage: it was broken in many pieces and it presents a visible crack with several missing parts; furthermore the vase is truncated by pervious owner. The vase is reconstructed to its original decorative motif of sycamore leaves to become an imaginative, three-dimensional continuation of the vase.